VMware Site Recovery Manager: Install Configure Manage [V8.2] (VCP13)

Virtualizace a Cloud, VMware

Tento dvoudenní praktický kurz poskytuje zkušeným správcům VMware vSphere® znalosti pro instalaci, konfiguraci a správu nástroje VMware Site Recovery Manager™ 8.2. Tento kurz vám také ukáže, jak psát a testovat plány obnovení po havárii, které využívají nástroj Site Recovery Manager.


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Náplň kurzu:

Skrýt detaily
  • Summarize the components of Site Recovery Manager architecture
  • Deploy and configure the Site Recovery Manager appliance
  • Describe the principal disaster recovery topologies that are used with Site Recovery Manager
  • Configure inventory and resource mappings
  • Describe the storage replication options that are used with Site Recovery Manager
  • Configure Site Recovery Manager to leverage array-based replication
  • Describe VMware vSphere® Replication™ functionality
  • Describe the vSphere Replication architecture
  • Deploy and configure vSphere Replication for use with Site Recovery Manager
  • Build Site Recovery Manager protection groups based on vSphere Replication
  • Build, edit, execute, test, and remove a recovery plan
  • Perform a planned migration
  • Perform reprotect and failback using Site Recovery Manager and vSphere Replication
Předpokládané znalosti:
Ability to use VMware vSphere® Client™ to view the state of virtual machines, datastores, and networks.
Experience accessing the guest operating system from the VMware vCenter Server™ virtual machine console.
Ability to navigate Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2008.
Časový rozvrh:
2 dny (9:00hod. - 17:00hod.)
Cena za osobu:
24 500,00 Kč (29 645,00 Kč včetně 21% DPH)
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