Programování linuxového jádra (LNXKRN1)
Unixové systémy, Linux - programování
Přijďte si vyzkoušet, jaké to je psát kód, který poběží jako součást jádra operačního systému. Nestačí vám psát kód běžící v uživatelském prostoru? Potřebujete některé věci z důvodu výkonu přesunout do Linuxového jádra? Chcete si psát vlastní mechanismy pro komunikaci mezi procesy či vlákny? Efektivně komunikovat s periferiemi na různých sběrnicích? Psát si vlastní hardwarové drivery? Nebo jenom porozumět fungování linuxového jádra?
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Náplň kurzu:
Skrýt detaily
Introduction to the Linux kernel
Kernel features
Understanding the development process
Legal constraints with device drivers
Kernel user interface (/proc and /sys)
Userspace device drivers
Kernel sources
Specifics of Linux kernel development
Coding standards
Retrieving Linux kernel sources
Tour of the Linux kernel sources
Kernel source code browsers: cscope, Kscope, Linux Cross Reference (LXR)
Lab - Kernel sources
Making searches in the Linux kernel sources: looking for C definitions, for definitions of kernel configuration parameters, and for other kinds of information
Using the Unix command line and then kernel source code browsers
Configuring, compiling and booting the Linux kernel
Kernel configuration
Native and cross-compilation. Generated files
Booting the kernel. Kernel booting parameters
Lab - Kernel configuration, cross compiling and booting
Configuring, cross-compiling and booting a Linux kernel
Linux kernel modules
Linux device drivers
A simple module
Programming constraints
Loading, unloading modules
Module dependencies
Adding sources to the kernel tree
Lab - Writing modules
Write a kernel module with several capabilities
Access kernel internals from your module
Setup the environment to compile it
Linux device model
Understand how the kernel is designed to support device drivers
The device model
Binding devices and drivers
Platform devices, Device Tree
Interface in userspace: /sys
Lab - Linux device model for an I2C driver
Implement a driver that registers as an I2C driver
Modify the Device Tree to list an I2C device
Get the driver called when the I2C device is enumerated at boot time
Introduction to the I2C API
The I2C subsystem of the kernel
Details about the API provided to kernel drivers to interact with I2C devices
Pin muxing
Understand the pinctrl framework of the kernel
Understand how to configure the muxing of pins
Lab - Communicate with the Nunchuk over I2C
Configure the pin muxing for the I2C bus used to communicate with the Nunchuk
Extend the I2C driver started in the previous lab to communicate with the Nunchuk via I2C
Kernel frameworks
Block vs. character devices
Interaction of userspace applications with the kernel
Details on character devices, file_operations, ioctl(), etc.
Exchanging data to/from userspace
The principle of kernel frameworks
The input subsystem
Principle of the kernel input subsystem
API offered to kernel drivers to expose input devices capabilities to userspace application
Userspace API offered by the input subsystem
Lab - Expose the Nunchuk functionality to userspace
Extend the Nunchuk driver to expose the Nunchuk features to userspace applications, as a input device.
Test the operation of the Nunchuk using sample userspace applications
Memory management
Linux: memory management - Physical and virtual (kernel and user) address spaces
Linux memory management implementation
Allocating with kmalloc()
Allocating by pages
Allocating with vmalloc()
I/O memory and ports
I/O register and memory range registration
I/O register and memory access
Read / write memory barriers
Minimal platform driver and access to I/O memory
Implement a minimal platform driver
Modify the Device Tree to instantiate the new serial port device
Reserve the I/O memory addresses used by the serial port
Read device registers and write data to them, to send characters on the serial port
The misc kernel subsystem
What the misc kernel subsystem is useful for
API of the misc kernel subsystem, both the kernel side and userspace side
Lab - Output-only serial port driver
Extend the driver started in the previous lab by registering it into the misc subsystem
Implement serial port output functionality through the misc subsystem
Test serial output from userspace
Processes, scheduling, sleeping and interrupts
Process management in the Linux kernel
The Linux kernel scheduler and how processes sleep
Interrupt handling in device drivers: interrupt handler registration and programming, scheduling deferred work
Lab - Sleeping and handling interrupts in a device driver
Adding read capability to the character driver developed earlier
Register an interrupt handler
Waiting for data to be available in the read file operation
Waking up the code when data is available from the device
Issues with concurrent access to resources
Locking primitives: mutexes, semaphores, spinlocks
Atomic operations
Typical locking issues
Using the lock validator to identify the sources of locking problems
Lab - Locking
Observe problems due to concurrent accesses to the device
Add locking to the driver to fix these issues
Driver debugging techniques
Debugging with printk
Debugfs entries
Analyzing a kernel oops
Using kgdb, a kernel debugger
Using the Magic SysRq commands
Debugging through a JTAG probe
Lab - Investigating kernel faults
Studying a broken driver
Analyzing a kernel fault and locating the problem in the source code
ARM board support and SoC support
Understand the organization of the ARM support code
Understand how the kernel can be ported to a new hardware board
Power management
Overview of the power management features of the kernel
Topics covered: clocks, suspend and resume, dynamic frequency scaling, saving power during idle, runtime power management, regulators, etc.
The Linux kernel development process
Organization of the kernel community
The release schedule and process: release candidates, stable releases, long-term support, etc.
Legal aspects, licensing
How to submit patches to contribute code to the community
Předpokládané znalosti:
Znalost unixového prostředí a programování v jazyku C.
Časový rozvrh:
5 dní (9:00hod. - 17:00hod.)
Vybrané zákaznické reference
Thermo Fisher Scientific Brno s.r.o., Petr K.
Programování linuxového jádra (
"Dobry den,
nas skolitel byl velice dobre pripraven a zodpovedel vsechny dotazy."
RETIA, a.s., Michal D.
Programování linuxového jádra (
"Dobrá diskuse, se školením jsem spokojen."
ŠKODA DIGITAL s.r.o., Petr H.
Programování linuxového jádra (
"Školení bylo směrované přesně na míru tomu, co jsem si od školení sliboval, že se dozvím, takže za mě 100%."