Enterprise Architecture Modeling with SAP PowerDesigner 16.6 (PWD3)
Databáze, SAP Sybase
1. Explain the Enterprise Architecture Model (EAM) in SAP PowerDesigner.
Describe how all model types fit into an Enterprise Architecture.
3. Use Dependency Matrices (available in all modules) to help you visualize and edit links between any types of objects, even if they are in different kinds of models.
Customize the display preferences for extended objects and the objects of the new Enterprise Architecture Model (EAM).
Describe cross-model Impact Analysis - Store and maintain cross- model dependencies for complete impact analysis across the enterprise.
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Náplň kurzu:
Skrýt detaily
SAP PowerDesigner Environment
Examining the SAP PowerDesigner Environment
Defining the SAP PowerDesigner File Structure
Creating a Library
Creating a Glossary
Introduction to SAP PowerDesigner and Enterprise Architecture Models (EAMs)
Using SAP PowerDesigner for Modeling
Creating Diagrams in an EAM
Business Layer in EAM
Using Organization Charts and Business Communication Diagrams
Building the Business Layer in an EAM
Application Layer in EAM
Creating Service-Oriented Diagrams
Defining the Application Layer
Technology Layer in EAM
Identifying Elements of the Technology Layer
Diagrams and Packages
Creating Diagrams
Creating Packages
Reports in SAP PowerDesigner
Reporting in SAP PowerDesigner
Generating Reports
Model Management
Checking the EAM
Building Cross-Model Relationships
Repository in SAP PowerDesigner
Checking Documents in and out of the Repository
Configuring a Workflow
Configuring Repository Branches
Finalizing the Repository Configuration
Předpokládané znalosti:
Zkušenost s Microsoft Windows nebo jiným grafickým uživatelským rozhranním, znalost základních objektových konceptů, znalost konceptů relačních databází, povědomí o ER modelování a normalizaci datových modelů, praktická zkušenost s Powerbuilderem nebo Javou.
Časový rozvrh:
2 dny (9:00hod. - 17:00hod.)
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